Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Butterfly Knife Construction - Channel vs. Sandwich

There are basically only two ways that butterfly knifes are constructed, channel and sandwich construction.

for balisongs that are channel constructed, the larger area of the bite and safe handle is one piece of material. There is a trench in this handle which the blade resides. Many people consider this much stronger than sandwich construction. However, I have always preferred sandwich construction; no specific reason I just simply like the way it feels a bit more.

Balisong knives that are sandwich constructed are amassed in a series overlapping sheets, normally bolted or screwed together. Unlike channel, they all adjustments to be made to change the tightness of the knife. The knife rest in between the handle in this construction as well.

If you plan on making your own, you may wish to go with channel. I prefer sandwich, but its all a matter of personal opinion and many people prefer channel over sandwich. I advise you to try both and see which suits you better.

1 comment:

  1. The butterfly knife is just another terminology for the balisong. The cheap butterfly knives are in fact one of the secretive blades and weapons. It is not only a worldwide popular which can be carried in a concealed manner.
