Sunday, July 6, 2014

Butterfly Knife - The Zen Rollover

One of my personal favorites, and of many others is a really neat and somewhat simple move. It is called the Zen Rollover. You start in a cradled thumb position, and allow the knife and handles to rotate all the way around your hand using your thumb as the pivot pivot point. The knife ends up in the typical starting position, which makes this move a great starting point into other tricks.
The move is somewhat simple, although it may take you a couple days to get down if you are a beginner. Make sure you have the safe handle on your thumb, otherwise when you finish the move the knife will be facing the wrong direction (unless it is intentional). 

1 comment:

  1. A karambit knife is a very exotic weapon and is said to be originated from Indonesia. It has a very distinguishing and different design than other knives. It has a c-shaped blade which is designed like the claws of a tiger which is why it is curved and is good for slashing and piercing.
