Wednesday, November 12, 2014

How to Create New Tricks with a Butterfly Knife

Butterfly knives are fun, as any enthusiast can tell you. Its fun learning a trick, its even better once you have it down, but then what? There are two things I like to play with, which are freestyle flipping and inventing new tricks. I'd stick to inventing new tricks if you are a beginner. Freestyling is awfully hard to pick up, especially for beginners! It took me quite awhile until I could actually proficiently flip without premeditated moves. I'll give you an introduction to both advanced topics:

Freestyle Flipping takes quite awhile to learn, however its very worthwhile. Its the act of flipping freely, do not focus on any move, and don't be repetitive, trying things you already know. With that being said of course you might open the knife your favorite way, or maybe you want to transition into a y2k. However; don't repeat a trick. Be fluent with each trick and transition each into another. Throw it up into the air, catch it with your other hand, try something you've never tried! I could go on, and on!

Now inventing new movies is a little easier. I'm sure if you've been flipping for a little while you've already tried it. I like to think about new things I could do before I actually try them. Even though they may seem impossible, most of the time they are not. Remember when you got stuck trying your first move thinking, there is no way this can be done! Well most of the time it can, it just requires more practice.

So go give it a shot! Show us what you're made of!


  1. One should always try to practice the butterfly knife tricks and techniques with a butterfly knife trainer first as it prevents accidental injuries and keeps one safe from them.
    real butterfly knife

  2. If you are a knife guy then butterfly knife would be the best for you to do tricks. For newbies I will suggest butterfly knife trainer in order to avoid any injury, once you master it then you can flip real butterfly knife.

  3. The flip opening is the most common trick of Balisong pocket knife. You need to adjust the mechanical movement of flipping with the wrist.

    to here:
